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God. The keeper of my soul.

What peace comes over my soul as God refreshes and renews my mind in His promise that He is the great provider. When I simply let go of my need to control and determine everything around me I find Him working out His purpose in my life. As limited as I feel being so far away from my friends down in the jungle, and wanting to be a bigger part of the work in Costa Rica, I’m discovering over and over how my little bit of faith in a tremendous God is turning those mountains into a fruitful mission field.

It seems like only a short time ago that God laid a need on my heart and formed the vision of the Nest. Through trial and prayer, I answered a call saying “here I am, send me”, with fear and trembling. In my weakness, God performed His healing touch. The team of women and girls that gathered around the flame of the Nest vision were as I, fragile in life, but mighty in the resolve that God could and would redeem our past’s to bring the gospel of love into the homes and hearts of other women suffering hardships and abandoned of hope.

Through friendship and mentoring discipleship, the Nest team was formed. The joy of being together and wanting to share that joy united us with a common purpose.

So what does the Nest look like today? It’s sure not what I thought it would be like when the year started out. But it is what God saw. It’s a team of women sacrificing their lives to bring an offering of love to others in need. It’s milk.

The Nest team has been delivering food and lots of milk to nine large families back in the jungle. About 80 souls in all. Many young children are being nourished. But it’s not just milk their receiving, for our team is also speaking into their life’s the message of the Gospel. That God cares for them, that He has made a way for them to experience friendship with Him, and that His love wins in the end.

The milk of the Good News brings strength to the bones of the soul. And this truth in turn brings peace to my own soul. I trust it builds up your faith as well, our dear Nest supporters and warriors of faith through your prayers and financial gifts. Be they big or small, your kindness and offerings translate directly into love.

In God's timing and perfect provision, I will return to the jungle and take back to walking the muddy trails with the snakes and bugs, and heat, delivering myself through God's grace the task of rescuing and bringing shelter and home to these broken precious children. It gives me rest to know that God has, is, and will continue to nourish them with what they need. Be it milk for the body today and the gospel of a promised hope for their hearts into eternity.

With love for you all,



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